Rastriya Beema Company Limited is a government owned public limited Company (RBCL) Formed under decision of Government of Nepal separate general insurance business of Rastrya Beema Sansthan(RBS) by mobilizing internal resources of Nepal RBS was established under Act of 2024 and started life and non life insurance business from 23rd February (11 Falgun 2024).
Consequently as on this date the company has been successfully providing returns as per set goals and objectives of Nepal government in this tenure till today company is contributing revenue without inflecting any additional liability on government. The company has spread company manpower in the insurance sector & has identified itself as a credible insurance sector. The company is established with following capital structure.
• The objectives of the company are: To mobilize internal resources and capital for national development and to check burden of expenses of foreign currency.
• Minimize risk of property damage through insurance business.